Fat Pimp Hosts The Greatest Listening Party I've Ever Attended

I grew up dancing to Rack Daddy at house parties and school events. Outside of Lil Ronny Motha F, Fat Pimp took over the speakers instantly. 

Im more than honored to be sitting next to him in Houston, TX at his Listening Party !! 

In these last few weeks, I've been to the Money Is Conference, SXSW, Virdiko, and MediaTech Industry Mixer and right now I'm watching an Artist in his most vulnerable moment. 

It's cool watching people accomplish their dreams. It's motivating asf and I swear I'm gonna do this one day !

   Fat Pimp's Newest Album “but you can call me Chris” starts with him and Tye Harris on the track “True Story”. Parental problems, children problems, hidden emotions, insecurities. I felt it all. 

If this song didn't do anything else, it definitely gave me the inspiration to be open about what I'm going through. 

Fat Pimp, thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone and expressing feelings most people don't have the courage to show. 

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